114 Surahs

Surah 1

Surah 2

Surah 3

Surah 4

Surah 5

Surah 6

Surah 7

Surah 8

Surah 9

Surah 10

Surah 11

Surah 12

Surah 13

Surah 14

Surah 15

Surah 16

Surah 17

Surah 18

Surah 19

Surah 20

Surah 21

Surah 22

Surah 23

Surah 24

Surah 25

Surah 26

Surah 27

Surah 28

Surah 29

Surah 30

Surah 31

Surah 32

Surah 33

Surah 34

Surah 35

Surah 36

Surah 37

Surah 38

Surah 39

Surah 40

Surah 41

Surah 42

Surah 43

Surah 44

Surah 45

Surah 46

Surah 47

Surah 48

Surah 49

Surah 50

Surah 51

Surah 52

Surah 53

Surah 54

Surah 55

Surah 56

Surah 57

Surah 58

Surah 59

Surah 60

Surah 61

Surah 62

Surah 63

Surah 64

Surah 65

Surah 66

Surah 67

Surah 68

Surah 69

Surah 70

Surah 71

Surah 72

Surah 73

Surah 74

Surah 75

Surah 76

Surah 77

Surah 78

Surah 79

Surah 80

Surah 81

Surah 82

Surah 83

Surah 84

Surah 85

Surah 86

Surah 87

Surah 88

Surah 89

Surah 90

Surah 91

Surah 92

Surah 93

Surah 94

Surah 95

Surah 96

Surah 97

Surah 98

Surah 99

Surah 100

Surah 101

Surah 102

Surah 103

Surah 104

Surah 105

Surah 106

Surah 107

Surah 108

Surah 109

Surah 110

Surah 111

Surah 112

Surah 113

Surah 114

Study Notes

The background



Translation by Maulvi Muhammed ALi in 1920.

65. Divorce (Al-Talaq)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

1 O Prophet, when you divorce women, divorce them for their prescribed period, and calculate the period; and keep your duty to Allah, your Lord. Turn them nor out of their houses -- nor should they themselves go forth -- unless they commit an open indecency. And these are the limits of Allah. And whoever goes beyond the limits of Allah, he indeed wrongs his own soul. Thou knowest not that Allah may after that bring about an event.

2 So when they have reached their prescribed time, retain them with kindness or dismiss them with kindness, and call to witness two just ones from among you, and give upright testimony for Allah. With that is admonished he who believes in Allah and the Latter Day. And whoever keeps his duty to Allah, He ordains a way out for him,

3 And gives him sustenance from whence he imagines not. And whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him. Surely Allah attains His purpose. Allah indeed has appointed a measure for everything.

4 And those of your women who despair of menstruation, if you have a doubt, their prescribed time is three months, and of those, too, who have not had their courses. And the pregnant women, their prescribed time is that they lay down their burden. And whoever keeps his duty to Allah, He makes his affair easy for him.

5 That is the command of Allah, which He has revealed to you. And whoever keeps his duty to Allah, He will remove from him his evils and give him a big reward.

6 Lodge them where you live according to your means, and injure them not to straiten them. And if they are pregnant, spend on them until they lay down their burden. Then if they suckle for you, give them their recompense, and enjoin one another to do good and if you disagree, another will suckle for him.

7 Let him who has abundance spend out of his abundance, and whoever has his means of subsistence straitened to him, let him spend out of that which Allah has given him. Allah lays not on any soul a burden beyond that which He has given it. Allah brings about ease after difficulty.

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8 And how many a town which rebelled against the commandment of its Lord and His messengers, so We called it to severe account and We chastised it with a stern chastisement!

9 So it tasted the evil consequences of its conduct, and the end of its affair was perdition.

10 Allah has prepared for them severe chastisement, so keep your duty to Allah, O men of understanding, who believe. Allah has indeed sent down to you a Reminder --

11 A Messenger who recites to you the clear messages of Allah, so that he may bring forth those who believe and do good deeds from darkness into light. And whoever believes in Allah and does good deeds, He will cause him to enter Gardens wherein rivers flow, to abide therein for ever. Allah has indeed given him a goodly sustenance.

12 Allah is He who created seven heavens, and of the earth the like thereof. The command descends among them, that you may know that Allah is Possessor of power over all things, and that Allah encompasses all things in (His) knowledge.