114 Surahs

Surah 1

Surah 2

Surah 3

Surah 4

Surah 5

Surah 6

Surah 7

Surah 8

Surah 9

Surah 10

Surah 11

Surah 12

Surah 13

Surah 14

Surah 15

Surah 16

Surah 17

Surah 18

Surah 19

Surah 20

Surah 21

Surah 22

Surah 23

Surah 24

Surah 25

Surah 26

Surah 27

Surah 28

Surah 29

Surah 30

Surah 31

Surah 32

Surah 33

Surah 34

Surah 35

Surah 36

Surah 37

Surah 38

Surah 39

Surah 40

Surah 41

Surah 42

Surah 43

Surah 44

Surah 45

Surah 46

Surah 47

Surah 48

Surah 49

Surah 50

Surah 51

Surah 52

Surah 53

Surah 54

Surah 55

Surah 56

Surah 57

Surah 58

Surah 59

Surah 60

Surah 61

Surah 62

Surah 63

Surah 64

Surah 65

Surah 66

Surah 67

Surah 68

Surah 69

Surah 70

Surah 71

Surah 72

Surah 73

Surah 74

Surah 75

Surah 76

Surah 77

Surah 78

Surah 79

Surah 80

Surah 81

Surah 82

Surah 83

Surah 84

Surah 85

Surah 86

Surah 87

Surah 88

Surah 89

Surah 90

Surah 91

Surah 92

Surah 93

Surah 94

Surah 95

Surah 96

Surah 97

Surah 98

Surah 99

Surah 100

Surah 101

Surah 102

Surah 103

Surah 104

Surah 105

Surah 106

Surah 107

Surah 108

Surah 109

Surah 110

Surah 111

Surah 112

Surah 113

Surah 114

Study Notes

The background



Translation by Maulvi Muhammed ALi in 1920.

71. Noah (Nuh)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

1 Surely We sent Noah to his people, saying: Warn thy people before there come to them a painful chastisement.

2 He said: O my people, surely I am a plain warner to you:

3 That you should serve Allah and keep your duty to Him and obey me --

4 He will forgive you some of your sins and grant you respite to an appointed term. Surely the term of Allah, when it comes, is not postponed. Did you but know!

5 He said: My Lord, I have called my people night and day:

6 But my call has only made them flee the more.

7 And whenever I call to them that Thou mayest forgive them, they thrust their fingers in their ears and cover themselves with their garments, and persist and are big with pride.

8 Then surely I have called to them aloud,

9 Then spoken to them in public and spoken to them in private,

10 So I have said: Ask forgiveness of your Lord; surely He is ever Forgiving:

11 He will send down upon you rain, pouring in abundance,

12 And help you with wealth and sons, and make for you gardens, and make for you rivers.

13 What is the matter with you that you hope not for greatness from Allah?

14 And indeed He has created you by various stages.

15 See you not how Allah has created the seven heavens alike,

16 And made the moon therein a light, and made the sun a lamp?

17 And Allah has caused you to grow out of the earth as a growth,

18 Then He returns you to it, then will He bring you forth a (new) bringing forth.

19 And Allah has made the earth a wide expanse for you;

20 That you may go along therein in spacious paths.

* * *

21 Noah said: My Lord, surely they disobey me and follow him whose wealth and children have increased him in naught but loss.

22 And they have planned a mighty plan.

23 And they say: Forsake not your gods; nor forsake Wadd, nor Suwa', nor Yaguth and Ya'uq and Nasr.

24 And indeed they have led many astray. And increase Thou the wrongdoers in naught but perdition.

25 Because of their wrongs they were drowned, then made to enter Fire, so they found no helpers besides Allah.

26 And Noah said My Lord, leave not of the disbelievers any dweller on the land.

27 For if Thou leave them, they will lead astray Thy servants, and will not beget any but immoral, ungrateful ones.

28 My Lord, forgive me and my parents and him who enters my house believing, and the believing men and the believing women. And increase nor the wrongdoers in aught but destruction!