114 Surahs

Surah 1

Surah 2

Surah 3

Surah 4

Surah 5

Surah 6

Surah 7

Surah 8

Surah 9

Surah 10

Surah 11

Surah 12

Surah 13

Surah 14

Surah 15

Surah 16

Surah 17

Surah 18

Surah 19

Surah 20

Surah 21

Surah 22

Surah 23

Surah 24

Surah 25

Surah 26

Surah 27

Surah 28

Surah 29

Surah 30

Surah 31

Surah 32

Surah 33

Surah 34

Surah 35

Surah 36

Surah 37

Surah 38

Surah 39

Surah 40

Surah 41

Surah 42

Surah 43

Surah 44

Surah 45

Surah 46

Surah 47

Surah 48

Surah 49

Surah 50

Surah 51

Surah 52

Surah 53

Surah 54

Surah 55

Surah 56

Surah 57

Surah 58

Surah 59

Surah 60

Surah 61

Surah 62

Surah 63

Surah 64

Surah 65

Surah 66

Surah 67

Surah 68

Surah 69

Surah 70

Surah 71

Surah 72

Surah 73

Surah 74

Surah 75

Surah 76

Surah 77

Surah 78

Surah 79

Surah 80

Surah 81

Surah 82

Surah 83

Surah 84

Surah 85

Surah 86

Surah 87

Surah 88

Surah 89

Surah 90

Surah 91

Surah 92

Surah 93

Surah 94

Surah 95

Surah 96

Surah 97

Surah 98

Surah 99

Surah 100

Surah 101

Surah 102

Surah 103

Surah 104

Surah 105

Surah 106

Surah 107

Surah 108

Surah 109

Surah 110

Surah 111

Surah 112

Surah 113

Surah 114

Study Notes

The background



Translation by Maulvi Muhammed ALi in 1920.

78. The Announcement (Al-Naba)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

1 Of what do they ask one another?

2 Of the tremendous announcement

3 About which they differ.

4 Nay, they will soon know;

5 Nay, again, they will soon know.

6 Have We not made the earth an expanse

7 And the mountains as pegs?

8 And We have created you in pairs,

9 And made your sleep for rest,

10 And made the night a covering,

11 And made the day for seeking livelihood.

12 And We have made above you seven strong (bodies),

13 And made a shining lamp,

14 And We send down from the clouds water pouring forth in abundance,

15 That We may bring forth thereby grain and herbs,

16 And luxuriant gardens.

17 Surely the day of Decision is appointed --

18 The day when the trumpet is blown, so you come forth in hosts,

19 And the heaven is opened so it becomes as doors,

20 And the mountains are moved off, so they remain a semblance.

21 Surely hell lies in wait,

22 A resort for the inordinate,

23 Living therein for long years.

24 They taste not therein coolness nor drink,

25 But boiling and intensely cold water,

26 Requital corresponding.

27 Surely they feared not the reckoning,

28 And rejected Our messages, giving the lie (thereto).

29 And We have recorded every thing in a book,

30 So taste, for We shall add to you naught but chastisement.

* * *

31 Surely for those who keep their duty is achievement,

32 Gardens and vineyards,

33 And youthful (companions), equals in age,

34 And a pure cup.

35 They hear not therein vain words, nor lying --

36 A reward from thy Lord, a gift sufficient;

37 The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them~ the Beneficent, they are not able to address Him.

38 The day when the spirit and the angels stand in ranks; none shall speak except he whom the Beneficent permits and he speaks aright.

39 That is the True Day, so whoever desires may take refuge with his Lord.

40 Truly We warn you of a chastisement near at hand -- the day when man will see what his hands have sent before, and the disbeliever will say O would that I were dust!