114 Surahs

Surah 1

Surah 2

Surah 3

Surah 4

Surah 5

Surah 6

Surah 7

Surah 8

Surah 9

Surah 10

Surah 11

Surah 12

Surah 13

Surah 14

Surah 15

Surah 16

Surah 17

Surah 18

Surah 19

Surah 20

Surah 21

Surah 22

Surah 23

Surah 24

Surah 25

Surah 26

Surah 27

Surah 28

Surah 29

Surah 30

Surah 31

Surah 32

Surah 33

Surah 34

Surah 35

Surah 36

Surah 37

Surah 38

Surah 39

Surah 40

Surah 41

Surah 42

Surah 43

Surah 44

Surah 45

Surah 46

Surah 47

Surah 48

Surah 49

Surah 50

Surah 51

Surah 52

Surah 53

Surah 54

Surah 55

Surah 56

Surah 57

Surah 58

Surah 59

Surah 60

Surah 61

Surah 62

Surah 63

Surah 64

Surah 65

Surah 66

Surah 67

Surah 68

Surah 69

Surah 70

Surah 71

Surah 72

Surah 73

Surah 74

Surah 75

Surah 76

Surah 77

Surah 78

Surah 79

Surah 80

Surah 81

Surah 82

Surah 83

Surah 84

Surah 85

Surah 86

Surah 87

Surah 88

Surah 89

Surah 90

Surah 91

Surah 92

Surah 93

Surah 94

Surah 95

Surah 96

Surah 97

Surah 98

Surah 99

Surah 100

Surah 101

Surah 102

Surah 103

Surah 104

Surah 105

Surah 106

Surah 107

Surah 108

Surah 109

Surah 110

Surah 111

Surah 112

Surah 113

Surah 114

Study Notes

The background



Translation by Maulvi Muhammed ALi in 1920.

66. The Prohibition (Al-Tahrim)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

1 O Prophet, why dost thou forbid (thyself) that which Allah has made lawful for thee? Seekest thou to please thy wives? And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

2 Allah indeed has sanctioned for you the expiation of your oaths; and Allah is your Patron, and He is the Knowing, the Wise.

3 And when the Prophet confided an information to one of his wives -- but when she informed (others) of it, and Allah informed him of it, he made known part of it and passed over part. So when he told her of it, she said Who informed thee of this? He said The Knowing, the One Aware, informed me.

4 If you both turn to Allah, then indeed your hearts are inclined (to this); and if you back up one another against him, then surely Allah is his Patron, and Gabriel and the righteous believers, and the angels after that are the aiders.

5 Maybe, his Lord, if he divorce you, will give him in your place wives better than you, submissive, faithful, obedient, penitent, adorers, fasters, widows, and virgins.

6 O you who believe, save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones; over it are angels, stern and strong. They do not disobey Allah in that which He commands them, but do as they are commanded.

7 O you who disbelieve, make no excuses this day. You are rewarded only as you did.

* * *

8 O you who believe, turn to Allah with sincere repentance. It may be your Lord will remove from you your evil and cause you to enter Gardens wherein flow rivers, on the day on which Allah will not abase the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their light will gleam before them and on their right hands -- they will say: Our Lord, make perfect for us our light, and grant us protection surely Thou art Possessor of power over all things.

9 O Prophet, strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and remain firm against them, and their abode is hell; and evil is the resort.

10 Allah sets forth an example for those who disbelieve -- the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. They were both under two of Our righteous servants, but they acted treacherously towards them, so they availed them naught against Allah, and it was said Enter the Fire with those who enter.

11 And Allah sets forth an example for those who believe -- the wife of Pharaoh, when she said: My Lord, build for me a house with Thee in the Garden and deliver me from Pharaoh and his work, and deliver me from the iniquitous people.

12 And Mary, the daughter of Amran, who guarded her chastity, so We breathed into him Our inspiration, and she accepted the truth of the words of her Lord and His Books, and she was of the obedient ones.